Friday, 21 January 2011

Child of Babylon what they used to call me. Was never sure why.

I lie - they used to call me Mr Mole because I look like a comical chubby cartoon mole. With fucking long hair.

This post will primarily be about DR WTF?! because DR WTF?! is the big story at the moment. What with FOUR - COUNT THEM - FOUR teasers up and about some very TANTALISING nuggets of glory. Or glorynuggets as I irritatingly just shorten'd.

First thought let me just get some very worthwhile little bits in about stuff I've been drawing lately. As that is, after all, what I do.
This first curious image is a coloured version of something the influential jazz pianist Monsieur Richard "Snakehips" Jenkins (a.k.a. The Jenk or King Jenko) doodled. There's not much to say about it apart from the fact that it's not a Beatle. Unless it's a Beatle.
This is the start of the BEST SAGA YOU'VE EVER HEARD ABOUT A GOAT THAT TRAVELS THROUGH HELL. How does he get there? What furry monstrosity rises from his surprised groin in the final panel? And who is the hidden dancer in the second page?! All these questions and four more will be answered in the next installment - ! See the bigger bugger here - or go and pay a visit to the writer and shower praise upon her.
This is an Ice Warrior. Simply an Ice Warrior. Larking about and doing all those things that Ice Warriors do.... strategically exploiting planets mainly.

Alright. On to the OBLIGATORY ANTHOLOGY UPDATE - I'll leave the new logo to do the talking.
WAPASSHHHH! Glorious eh? I'm humbled and forever grateful to the amazing Mike Carroll who put this together for me at extremely short notice. A dude of no small dudeness. WHO HAS HIS OWN WIKI PAGE. :O

So here we go - some previews and some kneeviews (eh?)

First - this is me and Chris Cronin - Thinking Outside the Box
Second - Oscar M & Louis Carter (Colours by Me) - Back to the Wreckage
Third - Matthew McLaughlin & Neil "Bhuna" Roche - Cosmic Excrement
Fourth - Emperor & Mike Bunt - The Secret of Comedy

Those are the official teasers - and here's some others I've got hold of recently....

Greg Meldrum & James Feist - Kitsch 'n' Sink

There are still nine other comics drifting into view and you can follow my tumblr or keep checking this thread for updates. By the next blog there will be an official website. Woool!

...why did I just exclaim wool?|utmccn I'VE THRILLED YOU SOMEHOW - !

O - x