The October 2000ad Art Competition is now on the go over on the forum (,37131.0.html) and we're off to a fine start! The theme is MIKE McMAHON. As y'can see, the first entry is by the rockin' McClements. Oh yus, first place and THARG'S PICK get like - a fuckin' prize. So it's all worth it. In terms of last months SECOND PLACE I was mentioned on the amazing Everything Comes Back to 2000ad - huzzah!
Here's me with a bunch of Bo Ningen blork. Like an album and whatnot. This chap blimmin' gave me a poster. I went to see them live at The Fleece t'other week and they were fantastic. Psychedelic rock stuff, quite quite good. They've got Big Jeff's guarantee. HARK!
WOAH. Bristol Comic Creator chap Mr Aidan Barnard designed us this spanking new flier! We've got our next meeting on the 13th of November! RSVP here if ye fancy a night of DOODLING and CIDER:
Just a big shout for the marvellous Disconnected Press - whose anthology titles are glowing gems in the glorious swamp of brilliant titles that be the Small Press. Earlier this year they came out with Disconnected Vol. 1 and Lost:Boys - and there's due to be more for November's Thought Bubble (which is going to kick some arse). More details on their website. Can't recommend it higher!
I've been doing these random judges for a while now - you can see the lot on the 2000ad boards. Ask for anything you want - and, even though it's not in cinemas no more - they're there to promote awareness of Dredd (the film) and by extension the glorious 2000ad. Without whom we'd be nowt but scrabbling wastes of thought. Go and buy the git - and get Dredd when it comes out on DVD ;) Also, that's Professor Elemental yes.
This is the Jamella and Marmalad comic. They wuz serialised a while ago on the Crazy Fox Machine FB page and now THEY ARE REAL and ready to go on sale to the unsuspecting public at Thought Bubble festival in Leeds next month. After that they'll be online at Comicsy. Want one?!
Finally, the final page of the fourth part of the comic literally no one is talking about. Crabcake has been in gestation for longer than some sort of freakish marrowchrist. The whole fourth part can be seen here and you can see the entire saga here. What now? Will I give up (again)? No. The fifth part will appear before Christmas. The beginning looks horrific, the whole thing doesn't make sense and barely anyone follows it but IT'S MINE DAMMIT and I'll finish the bastard. You just watch me! Or not, as the case may be.
On a lighter note, some random colouring I did on Gibson Quarter's awesome art appeared yesterday - so there it is. Check out the man's blog and LEARN that he's finally showing up at THOUGHT BUBBLE in November.
WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR ISSUE 2. Rapidly running out of space though - ! All of 'em to psychedelic.submissions AT - one to four pages time travel - happy or sad, weird or COMPLETELY LOGICAL. Thinking about doing it? How about just DOING IT.
Remember this cheeky chap? The first issue of Dr WTF now PRINTSTINCT (that's extinct in print) is available digitally NOW at Comicsy ---> HURRAH!
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