"Mostly it is known for being host to hordes of corporate-approved superbands and flash-in-the-pans that attract thousands upon thousands of musical fucks who think Scouting for Girls are the best thing that happened since MOZART FUCKING DIED - which makes it appear to unknowers as just a fatter corporate shindig like Reading or Leeds. Which it clearly isn't. Those who dollop their betrilby'd forms exclusively in front of the main pop stages are depriving themselves of what makes me love Glastonbury festival. I love it so utterly that were I to cop it at this moment I could think of no better place to summarise the happiest days of my existence than that sprawling valley - the dust and the mud and the moments and the people. I'm always happy there. The dicks swarm - the terrible bands play - and I grin on, knowing that for a week out of the year I am home."
Although I probably would use a different example than Scouting for Girls now.
Anyway. More about that next blog - what's been happening up until this point?
Well as you all know Rory Kinnear has been officially announced as the new Doctor.
Ahaha. No he hasn't. But did you think it for a minute then? No? Oh well. This is what it'd look like and it would be marvellous. Who do I really think will be the next Doctor? I don't care, I just want it to be written by people who are actually capable of telling stories that aren't shit.
Here's the twenty third page of Flaubert written by Geoffery Crescent - here revealing the origin of Laura Dora and her Siamese pig. The whole thing before now can be seen here.
My Dreddheads aren't as frequent as they once were but hopefully they still have their value - I have a request list longer than the written-out human genome so it'll probably be actual Dredd timeline by the year I've finished.
My reading pile is still FIRMLY stuck in all the things I bought at Thought Bubble last November...
Lilly MacKenzie & The Mines of Charybdis (Self Published) Simon Fraser
I'd previously read this serialised as a webcomic Judge Dredd Megazine but in one lump it's eminently readable and brilliantly structured. Fraser, one of my favourite artists of all time, delivers a solid sci fi tale with many a twist and turn. Accompanied by the gracefully subtle colours of Gary Caldwell (who collaborated so brilliantly with Fraser on the majority of Nikolai Dante) and the progworthy lettering of 2000ad's Simon Bowland. Here's hoping the follow-up gets a similar physical tome that I can plop next to this 'un on the shelf.
The Lovecraft Anthology Volume II (Selfmade Hero) Various

Despite being unfamiliar with Lovecraft's work this anthology is absorbing, unsettling and almost infinitely readable. If not for the stories then for the sheer mind-buggering wealth of talent on show. Particular highlights being Spurrier & Timson, Lockwood & WJC, Mills & Futaki and a collosally amazing turn from McMahon & Ben Dickson. Worth getting, worth reading - worth eating. I mean... well, don't eat it. I get the feeling tentacle'd beasts might start spawning from ye.
MOA-192B (Self Published) Tesemberidis
I saw premier art droid Dave Taylor flicking through Stathis Tsemberlidis' pile of comics at Thought Bubble which was a bit of an indicator - they're really weird. Moebius like. Crammed with detail and mind-buggering but gloriously drawn. Recommended.
Rainbow Orchid, The Complete (Egmont) Garen Ewing
Thick with detail and remarkably well told - a ripping yarn and easily one of the best adventure comics I've ever read. Like his style of art the story is simple, edible yet deceptively dense. Every character, no matter how briefly they appear, are brilliantly rounded. Hugely fabulous.
The Scorpion 1 - The Devil's Mark (Cinebook) Marini/Desberg
Despite some unnecessary censorship, The Scorpion is a rollicking tale - recommended to me by the redoubtable Bolt-01 I'd heard of this long before I'd even investigated Cinebooks. It is pure swashbuckle with Vatican conspiracies and heaving bosoms - damned men and thrilling setpieces. Marini's artwork is enthralling - every bit the model of French sequential excellence - his environments and archicture in particular are breathtaking. I long for more.
Stiffs # 1 (Formerly Dead Star) Davies/Montgomery/Glass/Mitchell/Cadwell

Smartly told fresh zombie story featuring talking monkeys and some foul-mouthed Welshmen. It's well paced and manages to introduce quite a lot without seeming overwhelming. Mitchell's artwork is irrestiably expressive as always and Cadwell's flat colours suit it well. A confident and fun book.