'Allo - you're witnessing me cautiously optimistic at the beginning of a dissertation writin' frenzy (although obviously I'd be more optimistic if I were actually writing it rather than this blog). BUT I MUST ART - I SIMPLY MUST. The frantic workload recently has taught me this - no matter how busy things get there is always time for drawing - and there ALWAYS WILL BE.
So, as per the stories of this last fortnight will be told through the medium of my fairly average art -

That is obviously a dalek. A lecture sketch gaudily coloured-up as a tribute to the new Doctor who I'm enjoying greatly (aside from the occasional companionspaz, THANKS AMY) All of the Day and All of the Night. The dalek episode wasn't particularly good but I love Mark Gatiss and Bill Paterson so that was enough for me. The big picture here.

- this is a piece of art I did to justify a Crabcake fanart request from the amazing Carl 'jimoakley666' Pearce. It is clearly the Toxic Avenger, I'm quite fond of it and you can see all the details at this location.

Lastly I rejiggered THIS OLD IRON MAN PICTURE to fit in with a new Feral Gargantua jam on Iron Man - If you are an artist reading this who's on DevArt but not in Feral Gargantua give us a shout and join in - it's A RIGHT LARK.
That's it folks - I will be back after I've written an appalling dissertation and finished my degree - when that will be I do not know, but I'll not be back without some art to justify my absence - !
O - x
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