Sorry there's not really a lot to report of the last fortnight. Apart from the fact that I fucking graduated.

Powerful imagery there. Our future is in safe hands. Hands bedecked in purple finery. All sorts of jiggery pokery went forth at the ceremony. Well - lots of trumpets and stupid hats anyway. Being honoured had never felt so overcooked. Thanks Sheffield!

This, my first image of the fortnight - is some sort of glorious douchewizard being a douche to some hovering shit. It's for an anthology being put together by the fantastic Bobbymono. His own efforts have served my lolgland well. The full picture (and a clearer look at the 'Wizardjugs' poster hanging within) can be seen here.

An accidental Who image. They do happen quite frequently. This was originally for a Feral Gargantua contest on those scary-ass Real Ghostbusters action figures and kind of spiralled into Who territory. Who is the mysterious Doctor though? Not quite Pertwee - maybe a future one. His taste in purple is impeccable though. Ruminate on the subject whilst looking at all the FINE DETAIL over here.
Finally - the third page of the current part of Crabcake. Their parade route through the Volian Supercone city ends up at the Emperor's Palace. The mysterious G. WHO BE HE? HE BE YOU? Don't think so, your name doesn't start with a G. Why would I write a story about you? Is it because I love you - ? DO I LOVE YOU?
The full version of the page can be seen at this address and a handy catch-up to the whole shebang can be witnessed in flashtacular slidyness on my new art portfolio website. Get yourself one, it's free - !

Well that's it. Sorry there's not a lot - you know how it is. Also - how morbid was the title? I bet some of you just skimmed it through to see if it was some kind of suicidal diatribe. Don't be stupid. Without life there isn't art and WHAT
I will return on the 9th of August fresh from some funky shenanigans and hopefully will have finished my ULTRA SECRET AND ULTRA DETAILED PROJECT.
O - x
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